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Togo/Elections: Three mistakes that will cost a lot of money….

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The exit of the U.S. Embassy on the presidential election in Togo is not trivial. It is more of a slap in the face to the figures put forward by the CENI that give Faure Gnassingbe the winner of the election.
The presidential election of 22 February, which took place in a rather peaceful atmosphere, was rather a calm that preceded the storm. The opacity denounced by candidates surrounding this election continues to elicit reactions from all over the world. As usual, according to observers, the Togolese authorities are ready to swallow the pill of 72.36% of the score in favor of Faure Gnassingbe.
But this time, the wind seems to be turning against it.
The protests of the unfortunate candidates, who denounce the results made and the grumbling on social networks continues to make reaction.
If many countries reserve and avoid commenting on the situation, for the United States of America, now is the time to do so.
This feat (72% of the votes) of the candidate Faure Gnassingbé, which was to elicit all-round congratulations if there was transparency, puts many of Togo's partners in the reserve.
Far from congratulating the candidate of the UNIR party on this "achievement", the United States merely encourages the CENI to deal with claims about irregularities. Indeed, in a statement issued on 26 February 2020 by the United States Embassy in Togo, CENI is urged to take measures to increase the transparency of the elections, in particular by publishing the results of the polling station results in order to to increase everyone's confidence while waiting for the final results.
The announcement sounds like a setback for the ruling party, which has turned on credible observers. Indeed, the Togolese state according to observers has made three (3) mistakes that will probably cost it dearly:
The first mistake is to have excluded civil society from observing this election. The CENI had made every effort to cancel and withdraw the accreditation of the National Civil Society Concert (CNSC), thus preventing it from taking part in the electoral process.

In the same vein, the regime made a second mistake in denying accreditation to another credible national organization close to the Vatican: the Episcopal Council for Justice and Peace (CEJP). A maneuver that was of course misunderstood by the religious. The government thus defeated two influential national observers, preventing them from deploying observers on grounds that did not convince partners.

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And the big blunder, the third mistake, is forcing observers of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to turn back; A humiliating decision for the US that will bring its share of consequences to the 53-year-old regime.
Deporting members of this Institution supported by the United States of America was probably the mistake not to make.

For the United States, not allowing these neutral organizations to participate fully in the observation of the vote was a missed opportunity for the Togolese government.
In its fierce desire to retain power, the Togolese state has committed serious mistakes…. And these mistakes will no doubt be detrimental to him.
While waiting to manage this swelling crisis, the protests are growing among the candidates and the population. This attracts sasn doubts of the cautious looks on Togo. Not at all famous.



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Eric G.

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