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Togo/Elections: The Good, the Bad and the Truand

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The closing of nominations for next February’s presidential election reminds the main challengers of the characters of the western film, Le Bon, la Brute and the Truand.

Three candidates stand out and it is through them and with them that the election will be played, even if everyone knows that this election will not be different from the others. Great cinema.

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Jean Pierre Fabre, candidate of the ANC, reproaches himself nothing but the legendary adventure of an influential and popular political leader who is obliged to go to these elections to make figuration. He’s not going there to win. If he thinks he’s going to win, then he’s into a game of naivety, candour, and good faith. Now, the system he fights, the actors involved in a scheme of neither faith nor law. The rules of the electoral game defined by the authorities have not changed. Corrupt file, known results in advance, institutions subservient, in short, the President of the ANC, goes to this election in an imbalance that does not turn in his favor, he goes in good faith, no doubt, believing in the miracle. He will scream fraud, probably after the results, will be turned around in an imbroglio of dialogue and life will continue…… this is the role of the character The Good of the film.

Faure Gnassingbé took the lead to stay in power by all means. His soldiers neutralized all the protestforces forces, in systematic, physical, moral and legal repression. The Togolese people are subjected to indiscriminate repression. Laws are set against individual and public freedoms, cities are stormed and besieged, arrests multiply, physical assaults and torture are the modus operandi of power for life. Previous protests have counted dead, wounded. We count and we will still count, to bring over Faure Gnassingbé, the second character of the film. It is the Brute who exerts brutality on all her opponents to keep her chair.

Messan Agbéyomé Kodjo is the Truand of the group. Obsessed with power, he broke into the scene. As a good larceny, he succeeded, through cunning and manipulation, to be proclaimed a candidate of the democratic forces, without mercy for the old archbishop in whom he installed the virus of false divine inspiration.  A few days later, he will position his candidacy on behalf of his MPDD party, under the mocking eyes of the real democratic forces. He is in his game, at the same time in the good God and in the wicked Satan. Those who know him argue that he will sign the death warrant of Monsignor Kpodzro the day after 22 February when he picks up his phone to call Faure Gnassingbé and congratulate him on his victory. Agbeyome will have accomplished his mission. The rest, he took refuge in his cellars to gin his rosary like the previous times and wait for his appointment, by Faure Gnassingbé to the Primature. This is the only obsession of the “butcher of Freau Jardin”. If the divine inspiration that motivated the choice of archbishop was not infected, it could have detected that no one in the Togolese army is in favour of Agbéyomé Kodjo as an alternative, in political opinion, no one wants it, in voters it vomited, as evidenced by his 1% score on his last election hike. The balls of moral inconsistency, of political mob, of crimes without punishment stick to his skin and make him hate and on the side of power, and on the side of the opposition, and on the side of the people. He is a perfect Truand from the film Western in the presidential race, even if his blind beliefs plunge him into delusion.

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For the democratic forces, the real ones, there is no question of thinking that the alternation will come by the ballot box with Faure Gnassingbé candidate. Lure all the way and it’s hard to enter a competition with the certainty of not winning it.

It was the story of the good of the brute and the mobster adapted to the 2020 presidential election in Togo.


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