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Togo / Covid-19: The Limits of Retaliation – THEY ARE RADARS DISPARU

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The management of the Covid-19 pandemic is an imperative of the moment for the Togolese authorities. Measures announced here and there by the Togolese government and the Head of State in particular have so far not lived up to an effective response to this health crisis. However, it should be noted that almost all of the initiatives aimed at stopping this pandemic come only from the top of the state. It must be noted that the state structures are curiously sunled into a mutism, a total inaction. State structures, key ministries linked to the population that before the pandemic of the century, touted their actions, in this crisis it is time to prove the effectiveness of their various actions in the service of the Togolese population.

It is now an open battle of all countries around the world against Covid-19 and Togo is not for the rest. On the other hand, the response is a national matter that engages all citizens but above all all all state structures that continue to take initiatives and measures against their people for the sole purpose of helping them in these difficult times. But in Togo, all measures are concentrated at the top of the state; ministries that are directly called to rescue the population affected by the economic effects of managing this health crisis with serious economic consequences are all missing. They are merely in addition to these few measures taken by the Head of State. Yet the ministers of guardianship have never stopped proclaiming their actions which they consider to benefit the Togolese population, if not the most disadvantaged.

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It is at times of crisis such as this that we actually gauge the competence of those who have in hand the management of the state apparatus. And on this occasion, the Togolese authorities are shining for the moment by measures rendered ineffective by accompaniments that until now are not up to the damage that this pandemic causes to the population in economic terms.

For example, there seems to be a growing view that electricity and water will be free during this period of health emergency. Even if several countries have done so, this is not the case in Togo, it is just a part of these costs that will be borne by the state.

In short, none of the social measures announced by the Head of State during his speech on 1 April is yet effective. If there is a real commitment to the leadership of the country, key ministries that actually need to get involved in this fight are non-existent on the front lines. However, Togo is a country with state structures including ministries. This is the time when the population needs these structures most.

One of the ministries directly addressed in the fight against Covid-19 is that of Social Action, Women's Promotion and Literacy. And now is the time for the social side more than ever. This ministry, headed by Ms. Léa Tchabinandi Kolani, has the prerogative to ensure the protection of the elderly, the protection and promotion of persons with disabilities and the care of refugees and internally displaced persons. At a time when all economic activities are on the ground, these people require substantial assistance from the government. And that is in this the minister is called to show her skills or better yet to take concrete action for the benefit of the population especially women, orphans, the elderly, the homeless, in short the vulnerable strata. That is where you could measure the importance of your department. But the minister has disappeared since the country went to war against, in the words of the White House tenant, the Chinese Virus. It's time to wake up from his deep sleep.

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The other department that did so much bling bling a few months ago before Covid-19 dictated its law is the Department of Agriculture. With his Minister Koutéra Noel BATAKA, a lot of initiatives have been undertaken and touted; TELEFOOD and so many others. At present, with a major impact on the population, this ministry should be active on the ground in coordination with ANSAT to make basic food and food available to the population.

Elsewhere this has been done and many African countries are still preparing to make free food available to their people. This is not sea to drink, Togo can also do it. And it is up to this department to take this initiative. Paradoxically, ANSAT has instead put products on the market at normal prices as if nothing had happened. The department that has been so claimed to be competent is the time to prove itself.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Basic Development, Crafts and Youth is also not spared from this health crisis. In reality, this department should be at the bedside of the core population. It is a reason to gauge the effectiveness of its multiple programs with multiple denominations presented as serving development at the grassroots level. But alas, the reality on the ground shows that this project is ineffective and in these times of crisis this ministry must actually carry out innovative projects with the aim of relieving the population. This is not done. Victory Dogbé has also disappeared from the radar with its famous community restaurants.

Finally, priority obliges, it is time for the secretariat of state to the presidency of the republic responsible for financial inclusion and the informal sector to implement the famous money transfer with the history of inclusive finance FNFI. To date, there are no figures to accompany the informal sector for which it is responsible, no coherent algorithm, which makes the accompanying task very complex.

Since the speech of the Head of State about the transfer of money to the most vulnerable, she also remains absent on the ground. This demonstrates the level of improvisation in which state structures, especially ministries, vegetate: unable to serve when they are needed and where they need to. Assih Mazamaesso is nowhere to be found in this time of response to the pandemic.

As can be seen, all of these departments have been left without action in the fight against this pandemic. At a time when the people need these ministers most, they have gone missing. It's radio silence. This is a case in progress for those who think that these ministers are not as competent as is often claimed.





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