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The threat is getting closer and closer. Those who favour the conspiracy thesis of a Western invention will have to reconsider; the evil is real. On Thursday, March 19, 2020, the number of cases in Togo was revised upwards.

Now, nine (9) individuals have tested positive for coronavirus in Togo. According to the authorities, the first case detected may have cured the way of the damage. As a result, eight (8) people remain infected and currently in confinement. To prevent the imminent spread of this epidemic, new, more restrictive measures have been taken.

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In a press release issued on Friday, March 20, 2020, the President of the University of Lomé announced to the users of the campus that the institution closes its doors from this day until further notice. This measure is the appropriate response to the government's measures prohibiting any gathering of more than 100 people throughout the country. Given the conditions of study on campus, including the plethora of staff in classrooms and amphitheatres, this measure can only be welcomed; moreover, it was taken a little late.

Apart from this new measure, it is also worth noting the measures taken by the religious authorities to counter the virus. In a statement, the Muslim Union of Togo (UMT) said mosques were closed, Friday prayers were suspended, as well as restrictions on wedding, death and baptism gatherings.

Similarly, eucharistic celebrations have been suspended by the Togo Conference of Bishops and other measures have been taken to comply with government provisions. Similar measures have been adopted by many religious denominations.

It should therefore be noted that arrangements are being made for the closure of certain markets and places of commerce with a large number of individuals.

Alliance Togo Informatique

There is no doubt about the need to preserve ourselves in this time of crisis. The new measures taken by the authorities are to be welcomed; but there is always better things to do to protect yourself from evil. As places of distraction (night clubs, bars, etc.) and public places in general are likely to promote the spread of the epidemic, more restrictive measures should be taken regarding these places. The ban on gatherings of more than one hundred (100) individuals remains an illusory and inappropriate measure to the scale of this crisis. In addition, security forces should be trained on protective measures to ensure that citizens comply with these rules.

However, it should be noted that all these measures will have no effect if citizens do not realize their heavy responsibility. Strict adherence to these measures will certainly limit the spread of the epidemic and protect the population from probable carnage.




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