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They crucified the hope of ALTERNANCE

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The second stupidity, umpteenth failure, the Togolese people were again fooled by unscrupulous individuals who killed the hope of alternation. This time in a new show. The results have fallen. They're provisional, they'll be final. Outgoing President Faure Gnassingbé was left with 72.36% of the vote. He won the 2020 presidential election for a fourth term with natural margins of fraud. Lessons to be learned from an election that saw controversial actors each other: They killed the hope of alternation in Togo.


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"Agbéyomé Kodjo is not of the opposition and never will be… ». This sentence, the Independent Express has trumpeted it at every opportunity to express the casualness in which Bishop Kpodzro decided to impose this controversial individual on Togolese. It is true, the mayonnaise took, because of the influence of the prelate, who not only imposed a man with a sulphurous past but took advantage to conduct a campaign of intoxication against the historical opponent on the ground, Jean Pierre Fabre.

As a result, willingly or forcibly, the prelate has stifled the popular influence of the ANC, which has always won more than 35% of the vote in the last two presidential elections, in favour of an initiative with no way out and a no-wake.

The presidential election was decisive for Togolese. Many of the games gave the people hope of succeeding in freeing themselves from the yoke of a denounced system. The political crisis in 2017 and 2018 that shook the ruling party, slingshot led by Tikpi Atchadam, the problem of the 4th mandate which is a ball that sticks to Faure Gnassingbé, and the high-level involvement of the diaspora to obtain a political alternation in the Togo.

It is customary to say that it is on the old rope that the new one is tied. Instead of looking for new, never-experienced initiatives that were likely to lead the population by boat, it would have been acceptable to base the resistance on the existing one.

Alliance Togo Informatique

This is what the Archbishop of Lomé failed to do. As he got older, he must have had the wrong choice and formula. But where the wound is that some informed and aware people of Togo's political history believed and fell into the blindness of the archbishop.

Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson was wrong, after dragging the C14 into the abyss of corruption and inaccuracy to turn her back on those who trusted her to fly to the aid of the impostor.

The choice of Agbeyomé Kodjo as an opposition candidate is a bad choice. This choice insults the memory of the victims of the barbarities of Togo's political history. He has been taunting the intelligence of an opposition in combat for three decades. It insults the work of the spirits in love with justice and dignity who are obliged to bear the one whose dismal past is a threat to Togo's morals and political history.

Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson thus sank the original commitment of Leopold Gnininvi's CDPA in the bloody tasks of a predator of human life, Agbéyomé Kodjo.

The C14 broke into a money story. Money received. This could have gone unnoticed if Fulbert Attisso had not expressed his displeasure at not having received his share, by denouncing the coalition to which he belongs on all roofs.

This also joined a suicidal dynamic that ended its run in the mess.

The last musketeer happens to be Pierre Ekoué Kpodar. Here is a man, after his retirement from high international office does not know what he is looking for. Engaged in a presidential race and no doubt, aware of his shortcomings in leading and governing preferred to put himself in a barbaric dynamic that reduced him to Father Ubu. He has been trained in complicated maneuvers that not only reduce him to Kodjo Agbéyomé's valet but taints him for some new next career.

Individually and collectively, these cockroaches have finally robbed the hope of alternation by enshrining Faure Gnassingbé a new mandate that is likely to be renewed in 2025 under the same conditions.

In the name of Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson's morbid hatred of the ANC, the naïve serenity of Bishop Kpodzro, the blind obsession with power of Kodjo Agbéyomé and the lack of decision and firmness of Pierre Kpodar, Togo has just switched to an unopposed state. Jean Pierre Fabre's ANC being annihilated, Kodjo Agbéyomé being no opponent and having no political basis to assert himself, the power of Lomé has all the controls to lead as he sees fit.

It will be the work of unscrupulous individuals who have scuttled the hope of the alternation of an entire people for a vicious nature against the wind, in the name of wickedness and hatred.

History will remember that these individuals played negatively against a people that aspires to alternation. Sooner or later they will respond to history.






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