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Infarctions are less risky during the day

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A person who has a heart attack at night or on weekends is less likely to be successful than when the heart attack occurs during the day. At issue: poorer hospital care.

InfactusA study just published in the British Medical Journal shows that not everyone has the same chance of survival from a heart attack. According to this study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, in the United States, the conditions of hospital care and hospital care are not the same during the day and during the night, people who have a heart attack at night or at weekends have a 5% risk in addition to Die.

To reach these conclusions, the American researchers looked at 48 studies conducted in the United States but also in Europe, in order to get a global view of the statistics concerning heart attack. The goal was "the goal was to "assess the effects of out-of-hours admissions for heart attack patients," the BMJ said.

For patients with a particular type of myocardial infarction known with ST segment elevation (in this type of infarction, the coronary artery is totally clogged with a clot and blood flow is interrupted) the study showed that these patients admitted at night or on weekends had to wait an average of an additional quarter of an hour to be treated with an emergency angioplasty, an effective but rapid treatment.
For the authors of the analysis, the increased mortality among those admitted in emergency at night or on weekends is clearly due to what happens "after admission" and not because it would have a different risk profile compared to those who do a heart attack during the day.

The authors of the study therefore call on the health authorities to set up an identical reception day and night, 7 days a week in order to reduce the number of deaths from heart attacks.

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