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Normal resumption of activities after interim results.

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The provisional results of the 2020 presidential election have been known since last night. In a live broadcast on the national channel, the CENI (Independent National Electoral Commission) made public the provisional results of the first round.

Faure Gnassingbé, candidate of the Union for the Republic (Unir) party, emerged victorious with a score of 72.36% of the vote far ahead of Agbéyomé Kodjo, the so-called single opposition candidate and candidate of the Patriotic Movement for Democracy and Development ( MPDD), then Jean Pierre Fabre candidate of the National Alliance for Change (ANC) who get respectively 18, 34% and 4, 35% of the vote.

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This morning, life has resumed its normal life in Lomé and inthe interior of the country. Curious and surprising, especially when we know that these results are strongly contested by the opposition, especially, by the CANDIDATE of MPDD who is second in the ranking.

Indeed, came 2nd in the ranking with a score of 18.34%. The candidate, Agbéyomé kodjo, had declared himself the winner the day before, “democratically elected president in the first round of the election with a score ranging between 57 and 61%”.  However, he claimed to be the winner of this election and denounced the stuffing of ballot boxes.

Also, the idea of a fourth term of office of Faure Gnassingbé had been strongly opposed by civil society which demanded the alternation.

There were peaceful marches by civil society and other political actors urging him to abandon this ambition, “No to faure Gnassingbé’s 4th term”, that was the slogan. The inauguration of Faure Gnassingbé was thus far from rejoicing the hearts of togolese, thirsty for alternation.

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We are therefore surprised to see the calm that has prevailed since last night, and the normal resumption of activities since this morning.

It is still surprising to note, the inaction of the candidate of MPDD who claimed to win and the passivity of his supporters. .  Perhaps we will see the movements in the coming days, but for now, the opposition is razing the walls.

We still remember the strong mobilization of Togolese in the years 2017 and 2018 when tens of thousands of people regularly took to the streets to demand the resignation of “Faure”. One could see the determination and commitment of the Togolese in a fight for alternation.

Today,”tgling Togolese people seem to be out of breath.

Exhausted from fights without success. Tired of leading the fights without success.  Togolese seem to be disgusted by any political action.

Togolese seem to position themselves in a form of resignation. This probably explains the resumption of the normal life of Togolese people in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election.

It should be noted that Togo is the only country in the sub-region that has not experienced any alternation to date. Faure Gnassingbé was elected successively in the 2005, 2010, 2015 elections.  He was provisionally re-elected on Sunday 23 February as President of the Republic of Togo for five (5) years in office.


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