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Presidential 2020: End of the road for Innocent and Tuna

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A few weeks before the start of the election campaign, the Constitutional Court has just made public the final list of candidates for the presidential election of 22 February. This body charged with ensuring the effective primacy of the constitution has invalidated two nominations. The candidacies of Innocent Kagbara of the PDP and Aubin Thon of New Vision (independent) were ruled inadmissible by the Constitutional Court.

According to the arguments put forward by the institution, these two nominations were invalidated for insufficient number of voter signatures. This is the end of the course for these two candidates, little known to the general public, who certainly wanted to strengthen their presence on the ground.

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Now there are seven candidates on the list. They are Tchaboure Gogue, Jean-Pierre Fabre, Faure Gnassingbé, Agbéyomé Kodjo, Georges William Assiongbon, Mohamed Tchassona Traoré and Komi Wolou.

At the beginning, 10 applications were received by the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni). Soter-Caius Dotégan Dovi, the candidate invested by the groupers' coalition, had withdrawn to support Agbeyomé Kodjo.


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Eric G.

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