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The new health crisis is wreaking havoc around the world. Many countries are affected on every continent. Measures in Asia, particularly in China, have paid off; cases of new contamination are not alarming, the country is already taking steps to turn the economy around. The scale of the crisis is enormous in Europe with thousands of people infected and hundreds of deaths a day. In America, the crisis is of increasing concern to the authorities.

In Africa, too, the situation is increasingly alarming. There are about 40 countries affected by the epidemic and cases are on the rise. As of last weekend, six (6) new countries reported cases of COVID-19 infection in their territory.

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In a recent statement, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged African countries to "prepare for the worst," and for good reason, the continent is already experiencing deaths. The feverish health system in most countries in Africa greatly increases the risk of spread. This is why drastic measures have been taken to prevent themselves and avoid a likely catastrophe.


Zoom in the face of the pandemic.

Many governments have introduced prevention and control measures. The main measures are to limit gatherings to less than 100 people and even to less than 10 people in some countries. In general, countries restrict access to their territory by restricting border crossings. Several airlines have ceased to operate and in many cases air flights are limited. In addition, border controls have been increased.

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More restrictive measures have been taken. As in Asia, Europe or America, many African countries favour containment. This implies a change in people's lifestyles. Senegal, Togo, Niger, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and most of the other affected countries have announced the closure of educational institutions. Ceremonies and other public events involving several people have been banned. Places of worship of all kinds (masked, churches, monasteries, etc.) have been closed, as well as discos, bars and entertainment venues with a large number of people.

Given the rapid spread of the pandemic, in some countries such as Rwanda, the government is not taking any risks; it's general confinement. Measures are being taken to ensure that households can refuel and ensure their survival without the need to travel long distances.

Burkina Faso, which has already experienced some pandemic-related deaths, is also taking drastic measures. A curfew is in place from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting March 21. Any violation of these measures is subject to heavy penalties.

Clearly, in many countries, we are now talking about a national emergency.


Measures taken by the Togolese authorities

Togo is no exception; In recent days, the authorities have taken increasingly restrictive measures as the epidemic spreads alarmingly in Africa. The first measures were the banning of gatherings of more than one hundred (100) people and hygiene checks especially at the airport. But recently, the measures have been strengthened. Closing mosques, churches, parishes and other places of worship; schools, universities and training centres will be closed until further notice.

Limiting border travel only allows goods to pass through; the majority of airlines have interrupted their flights. At Lomé airport, only Ethiopian Airlines still serves, providing minimum service. Precautions are being taken to ensure that markets and businesses, which are essential for the survival of populations, can function in accordance with hygiene rules.

The number of cases is constantly increasing; On Wednesday 25 March 2020, Togo recorded 23 confirmed cases and many people with signs or relatives of those infected are in quarantine. The risk of spread is enormous. The authorities are increasingly educating citizens about compliance with hygiene measures to limit the spread of the virus. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or with hydroalcoholic gel, avoid physical contact as much as possible coughing in the elbow…, according to WHO recommendations.

As a result, a green number (111) has been made available to the public for any information and to report suspected cases. However, despite these measures, it would be wise to meet the conditions to comply with the containment rule applied in many countries. In a single month, the number of cases in Europe and the United States has increased dramatically and surprisingly. Caution is required to prevent Africa from an unprecedented catastrophe.

For the time being, it urges respect and enforcement of the measures taken by the authorities to protect themselves from the virus. For most of the actors in society, these measures are not strictly monitored by the population and the monitoring of the authorities is flexible. This has led to criticism among the most savvy of the government, which they believe should move to systematic containment. A double-edged sword. It is difficult to provide support measures as in large countries.



Eric G.

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