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COVID-19: The new Brewery (SNB) signs its first outing in Adétikopé

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In a context where the structures somehow accompany the Togolese state in the management of the prevailing health crisis, the New Beverage Society (SNB) does not want to be the rest. Barely established, it is through significant actions that the New Beverage Company (SNB) makes its mark. It is donating large batches of COVID-19 prevention materials to the population of Adétikopé this Thursday, April 16. The SNB wants to be very close to its potential clientele.

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The population of Adétikopé benefited from large batches of equipment on Thursday from the SNB. A lot, consisting of a self-contained water bore (operating on a solar base), worth fifteen million nineteen thousand six hundred and six francs (15,019,606 FCFA ) accompanied by 2,500 masks, 1,200 250 ml vials of hydro-alcoholic gel, 10 pedal hand washes, 10 garbage cans and 10 25-litre cans of liquid soap. Through these donations, the SNB wants to make its contribution in the management of this health crisis. At the same time, it would like to demonstrate its commitment to the response to this pandemic.

After thanking the audience for his presence, the Commercial Director, Hyacinthe AMEGNAGLO, on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, announced that the company's various products will soon be available throughout the territory, after the health crisis precisely: "The New Beverage Company SNB without having for the moment put its products on the market, wants to already , a responsible and citizen company.

The nurturing mother of hundreds of start-up employees, and the future partner of thousands of outlets, SNB will listen to its potential customers.

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The new brewery will of course be present throughout the national territory and in the sub-region with quality products based on German and Togolese know-how in this area. He said, before recalling the barriers to be taken and the merits of adopting these actions, which for the time being remain the best way to fight the pandemic.

The struggle being common, the aid is multiple. Whether it's international organizations or national companies. The Togolese state has received significant donations since the first case was confirmed.

To addition, according to the government's official news website, Togo has 81 confirmed cases, 35 cured cases, 43 active cases and 3 deaths.

This is the first official release of the New Beverage Company, SNB since the announcement of its arrival in Togo. "We are ready, technically, humanly, commercially and strategically: we are just waiting for things to settle down on the pandemic to start at cruising speed… Hyacinthe Amégnaglo, SNB's Commercial and Marketing Director, told us.

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