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Covid-19 mourns the world of showbiz

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The covid-19 continues to cause casualties in its path. This time, it's the showbiz world that takes a hit. The Congolese, Aurlus Mabelé, nicknamed the king of Soukous was swept away by the coronavirus yesterday in Paris. It was her daughter Liza Monet who announced the news through a social media post. "My dad died this morning of Coronavirus. Thank you for honouring his memory," read his twitter account.

According to his relatives, the artist has experienced health problems in recent years. He had been shaken by a Stroke that severely weakened his health. The artist is one of the emblematic figures of Congolese music. He made the whole of Africa vibrate with his music with his typical rhythms of the soukous.

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Aurélien Miatsonama, whose real name is Aurélien Miatsonama, is best known for his legendary dance moves and outstanding elegance. This also earned him the award of the "King of Dance and Sappers".

In his 25-year career he has sold more than 10 million albums worldwide and helped spread the word about soukous outside the confines of the African continent. His highlights were "The Ivorian Woman, Embargo, Betty, Asta De, Evelyne Loketo etc. African music has just lost a true icon.

Moreover, it should be noted, the Covid-19 in its expansion crosses all borders and touches all layers without distinction.

From the White Race, from the Red Race to the Yellow or Black Race, all are concerned. From the low people to the top, no one is spared.

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This is how we can see high-profile personalities and celebrities also affected by the disease. Like Cameroonian musician Manu Dibango, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, and Prince Albert of Monaco to name a few. Some of them have recovered, but others have not been so fortunate. This is the case of Burkina Faso MP Marie Rose Compaoré, 2nd Vice-President of the National Assembly who died last Tuesday.

Cases that call into question the dangerousness of Covid-19 and should encourage more and strict application of the measures enacted to prevent its spread.

Now, it should be remembered, Togo is one of the countries in the sub-region affected by coronavirus with a total of 8 confirmed cases



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