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CORONAVIRUS: those who benefit from the pandemic

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The stock market is falling, the price of a barrel of oil is falling, the big companies are in great difficulty, intercontinental trade almost suspended: the coronavirus epidemic is undoubtedly one of the epidemics that has caused large losses of financial, human and material orders. However, whatever is said, this health crisis is benefiting certain sectors. The technology and internet sector is booming; and we are noticing the emergence of new business activities.

Indeed, with the containment policy in force in most countries, thousands of people remain confined. The internet is rapidly becoming a valuable ally at this time. To pass the time, to learn and/or even to work.

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Thus, one is obliged to spend much more than usual on communication. As consumption is high, it is telephone operators who are seeing their turnovers increase.  Although communication costs have been revised in some countries, Togo is still far from the bank. Call and internet package prices have not changed despite the user request.

Since telecommuting is highly recommended, companies like Zoom, with its application allowing visual communication with one or more interlocutors see its application increasingly used. Meetings and conferences are again possible thanks to this application.

Trade is booming for some in this time of crisis. The advent of the coronavirus epidemic saw the emergence of a business that was obviously very profitable: the sale of hide-and-seek or masks and hydro-alcoholic gels. It is undeniable that these articles are now of primary necessity. In Togo as elsewhere, we see the price of these items doubled, sometimes even tripled; 100 to 500 per unit for nose caches and 500 to 1500 per unit for hydroalcoholic gels.

To the great evil, the great remedies are said. The spirit of creativity takes on its full meaning, with the manufacture of hand washers. Indeed, not being able to dispose of standard hand lavas because of the high price, the urgency was to find a device with the same functionality accessible to all.

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It is with this in mind that the manufacture of hand-crafted hand washers is born in Togo and in some countries of the sub-region. Today, this system is present at the entrances of services, banks, supermarkets and even some concessions.  And demand is growing by the day, according to a manufacturer who has confided in him. "We sell them at least a fortnight a day and prices range from 2500 to 5000," he says.

In developed countries such as New York, some wealthy people opt for private jet trips. Private jet companies are popular and are facing rising demand. In particular, some customers try not to be confined to hundreds of other passengers whose travel history they know nothing about. Enquiries "have soared by 400%," according to Daniel Tang of MayJets, a Hong Kong-based airline. According to Richard Zaher, CEO of a us-based private jet company that recorded a jump of about 20 to 25% in bookings. Could you read on the website

Also in the United States, with gyms closed, sports addicts are turning to online classes to train at home. Shares in Peloton, an American personal gym equipment company, have surged, with investors banking on the growing demand for its internet-connected indoor bikes and treadmills as well as its online courses.

It is not only negative in this crisis obviously…

China has become a key provider of medical equipment. It delivers thousands of masks and gloves of disinfectant gels daily around the world.  We can see that the Chinese economy is reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.

In addition, China will also have gained notoriety in communication and propaganda.  Once the epicentre of the epidemic, today China is the very symbol of resistance and success. It has managed to contain this epidemic through drastic measures.

Through its actions towards countries in need, notably Italy and Ethiopia, history will remember that it is a model of aid and multilateralism.

History will also remember that it was the country that managed to contain the epidemic in record time. China is thus establishing itself as a model to follow in the management of this crisis.

History will also remember that the dominant power is declining and that the dominant power is rising. America, is in a state of fragility and dependence on China which is its main supplier of medical devices. America is now the epicentre of Covid-19 with more than 50,000 confirmed cases.

US President Donald Trump has long been in denial of the health crisis and his policy is now criticized in the US. Some analysts believe that its poor policy would only strengthen China's power in this epidemic and could eventually cost it the November elections.

Whatever we say, this epidemic has more than only negative aspects. And the outcome of this crisis looks good for many, especially China, which is already seeing its economy in good shape.





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