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Supporting the poor in remote areas of Togo is the mission of the CASU association. Faithful to this commitment, some members of this charitable association went to Atahonou on Tuesday, November 26 to make up for a lack in the health sector.

In most cases, the action of the CASU association (Club of Friends and Sympathizers United) has been limited to donations to poor students: donations of school supplies, rehabilitation of classrooms …

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Now the association turns to the health field. This Tuesday, November 26, CASU members were at the Atahonou Health Center, a community located 7 km from the city of Vogan. In the presence of a delegation of the population, the staff of the health center and the representative of the prefectural director of health, they held a donation ceremony.

According to the officials of this health center, there was a great need for medicines to treat the residents. The pharmacy was almost empty and everything was going slow. Patients were prescribed drugs that were not available locally. They then had to travel the 7 km that separate them from the town of Vogan to find these products; a deplorable situation.

Having heard of the difficulties, the CASU association decided to lend its support.

For Sallah Kokou Iréné, president of the association, to travel such a distance to have access to basic medicines is too much. This is why this initiative was taken; to allow people to take care of themselves on the spot.

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The president also launched an appeal to the health personnel, the customary chief and the COGES for a rigorous management of pharmaceutical products in order to periodically renew the stock and that over the years, the pharmacy of this health center could be autonomous and serve the population properly. The value of these pharmaceutical products is estimated at more than 300,000 FCFA.

The population did not fail to express their satisfaction for this donation. Through the voice of Afognebou Yao, secretary of COGES, they conveyed their thanks to the CASU association and promised to make good use of these products. Also, they hope that the association will continue its actions at home in other areas.

The association will be next week in Kébodigbé in the Agou prefecture to make a donation of the same value to the populations of this region.

Remember that CASU is an association that brings together former students from remote areas of Togo who today provide support to their brothers and sisters. It works in the fields of education, environmental protection and health.

This beautiful initiative of the association is to be welcomed. Especially since its members had to brave this journey to reach the populations. An opportunity for us to recall the ordeal experienced by users of the Aného-Vogan route. Hopefully the work that has started will be completed soon.

Eric G.

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