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Instead of being the devil's advocate, Yark should channel the smudges

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In any state in the world, in the face of urgent situations, urgent measures are needed especially when it comes to a national or state issue. Coronavirus, a global health crisis, is the perfect example of this. And to combat the spread of the pandemic, measures are being taken, including the state of emergency that led the Togolese government to declare a curfew. But alas, this curfew now seems to be becoming a danger to the people.  Since the Special Anti-Pandemic Force is a real executioner for the poor people. It challenges, violent, mistreats and unfortunately sometimes kills this population that it is supposed to protect. The case of Dodji, a 37-year-old Togolese boy beaten to death last Thursday according to the information by FOSAP is still in the minds….

On 05 March 2020, Togo recorded its first positive case with COVID19. A few days later, the cases multiplied. To curb evil, Togo, like other countries around the world, has taken steps.

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Faure Gnassingbé, President of the Republic, in a speech on April 1, 2020 announces actions and measures. There is the state of health emergency decreed for 3 months, awareness on the gestures barriers but above all a curfew of 3 months decreed.

Among the measures announced by Faure Gnassingbé, the last one is the one that has been a problem since its inception. La FOSAP.

In the early hours of his announcement, knowing the country of Togo and the not at all friendly relations between the people and the forces of law and order, voices were raised very early to hold a reservation about this force and its role.  Very soon, this force will give reasons to the distrustful.

1st night, 1st burr….

Alliance Togo Informatique

Announced on the 1st to take effect on April 02, FOSAP has made a name for itself.

On the night of April 02, Togolese who had the misfortune to stay out of their homes beyond 8 p.m. experienced the wrath of the COVID-19 Anti-Pandemic Special Forces. We stopped, we stopped, we raped, we bullyed, worse, killed. FoSAP would even return to the houses to orchestrate their carnage plan.

The death toll from the first night was alarming. But as someone said, this is only the beginning of the beginning since the days that followed were more dramatic. Violence, rape, abuse of power, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and killing ensued. Worried and therefore statistics, the population thinks that FOSEP risks killing more people than the COVID-19 it intends to fight.

All this is unfortunately covered by a Yark Damehame, Minister of Security and Civil Protection who does not bother to come and give explanations or other justifications to sleep standing on the media with one intention: To cover the smudges of his own.

The latest package on the back of the COVID-19 Special Anti-Pandemic Force took place in the Adakpamé district.  A suburb located southeast of Lomé the capital. Dodji is the victim's name.

Dodji, too much smudging, too much death…

Early on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at around 5am, the people of Adakpamé Dangbuipé woke up to the screams of a desperate woman. She comes out of her house and sees a man's lifeless body about a hundred yards away, she approached it and identifies the body. This was her husband who the day before at 10pm had the desire to relieve himself but unfortunately did not return. Yes he has not returned and will never return. The unfortunate Dodji, married and father of an 08-year-old girl, crossed paths with the villain.

According to his relatives Dodji saw FOSAP on its way. Alone against the Anti-Pandemic Special Forces, he could do nothing. He was beaten to death, mercilessly. The parents and other witnesses who saw Dodji's lifeless body testified to the animosity with which he was basked until death ensued.  He was seriously molested. The elements who committed the package were on motorbikes. We even saw the rangers' tracks all over the body,'' said a relative of the victim.    And to the mother of the deceased to throw the knotted throat '' I want to be explained the role of this force. Kill or protect, I want to know. What was my son's sin. He went away. I thank Faure Gnassingbé and his team.

In the aftermath of this barbaric act, the government issued a statement, spoke of a crime and announced the opening of an investigation without denying the involvement of the Anti-Pandemic Special Forces in the assassination. But in Togo, many open investigations have been waiting to be closed. Among other things, we can mention the case of the young students Douti Sinalingue and Anselme Sinadare, who are still alive in their minds.

Long before Dodji, several deaths were recorded and filed under the force register. It is true that Coronavirus is a reality and the curfew imposed is part of the measures taken to prevent the spread of evil. But there that this force becomes more dangerous than the disease itself makes us think.

The Special Anti-Pandemic Force must review its copy and carry out its mission in a different way.


Richard AZIAGUE.

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