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Antoine Folly disagrees with the dynamic Kpodzro

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Antoine Folly disagrees with Bishop Kpodzro's comments. He wanted to make that public.

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Despite the COVID-19, which is causing Togo a considerable slowdown in all activities, the political divisions continue to resurface by the day. The Union of Socialist Democrats of Togo (UDS-Togo) looks back at the controversies that led to deep divisions within the opposition parties. In a statement released today, the party's general delegate Antoine FOLLY clarifies the party's position vis-à-vis the Kpodzo dynamic and its disagreement with the recent remarks of the archbishop emeritus, instigator of this dynamic.

Nearly two (02) months after the presidential election of 22 February, the dynamic Kpodzro still has a hard time digesting the refusal of some opposition parties to join this coalition to claim a supposed victory of Agbéyomé Kodjo the candidate of the dynamic. In its press release, the UDS-Togo points out that Archbishop Philippe Kpodzro had publicly accused all non-member opposition political leaders of having received money from the RPT-UNIR regime in return for their silence and their refusal to defend "the victory of candidate Agbéyomé Kodjo".  These comments are very frustrated in the ranks of the opposition.

According to Antoine FOLLY, the UDS disputes these comments and is surprised by the approving silence of the politicians who are members of the dynamic, some of whom have suffered the consequences of similar allegations. For him, this controversy only benefits the enemies of the advent of the democratic order for which the opposition has been fighting for decades.

After a brief reminder of the content of the party's previous statements on the result of the 22 February presidential election, Antoine FOLLY emphasizes the urgency of ending the incessant disagreements and quarrels within the opposition. He said: "The time has come to emerge from unnecessary polemics and deadlocked infighting for a concerted and sincere commitment to achieve a political platform of national understanding capable of offering Togolese courageous consensual solutions to the serious political, economic and social challenges facing our country."

Alliance Togo Informatique

The election episode of 22 February was certainly a turning point of great importance, but the fight for a democratic Togo does not end there, and the UDS-Togo intends to continue the fight.

Bishop Philippe Kpodzro's comments have provoked controversy and indignation within the opposition for some time. The prelate's fierce assertions, accusing all non-member opponents of his dynamic of complicity with power, provoked many reactions and accentuated disagreements.

Recall that the Kpodro dynamic has been shaken in recent weeks with the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of its only candidate Agbéyomé Kodjo and his summons by the courts to answer for a number of charges (illegal use of state emblems, violation of state security…).

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