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Ajavon Zeus: The History of Fires and the Method of Transition

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The former Coordinator of the “Save Togo” (CST) Collective, Mr. Ata Messan Zeus AJAVON has once again left his reserve to comment on the fire file. In a press conference on Thursday, he reiterated his commitment and that of a collective of lawyers to go through with this case by all means even if it means recourse to international courts.

In his speech, he said that he had received more than 400 complaints from women victims of these fires, and noted that a collective of lawyers is ready to defend the women’s cause.

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“I am announcing that to date there have been more than 400 complaints from women victims of these fires that we will take to international courts. We are practically ready,” Zeus said.

He went on to say that the public will soon have the answers to this approach.

“We estimate that seven years ago, no proceedings were done outside of the people who were arrested, some of whom died, others spent five years in prison, people like me were charged,” he said.

As a reminder of the facts, in January 2013, the markets of Kara and Lomé were consumed by fires. These fires caused a lot of damage and paralyzed the country’s economy in general, especially those of the victims. So far, this case has never really been solved, leaving victims who want only justice in the trouble.

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There are three years left for the problem to be prescribed in relation to the time frame of the proceedings and the legal collective does not intend to cross its arms.

“The problem will be brought before a European court and it will go very quickly to make the truth known by the public,” the lawyer reassured.

The former Coordinator of the “Save Togo” (CST) collective also spoke out on issues related to the 2020 presidential election, including the suspense surrounding the candidacy of Faure Gnassingbé for this election.

His wish is that the “champion” of the ruling party organizes a transition to “set the groundwork for the rule of law in Togo”..

For now, Faure Gnassingbé surrounds his candidacy with mystery. But everyone knows that he will run in this election, given the turmoil within his party which, moreover, has just launched a national tour to explain to the people the need to let their candidate run for a fourth term.

As a reminder, the first round of the next presidential election is scheduled for February 22, 2020.


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