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Africa: Anti-French feeling widens the Freemasons

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French hegemony in Africa is coming to an end. At a time when anti-French sentiment is more observed among African youth, it is gradually gaining in other social strata. Although this feeling is more noticed on the political and security plan, France is more and more vomited in other spheres no less influential in Africa.

One of the most recent, but also surprising, cases has been the deterioration in relations between the African Masonic Lodges and the French Grand Lodge for some time.

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For some time, the relations which linked African lodges to the great African lodge have not been on good terms. The French Grand National Lodge is increasingly contested in Africa. Witness the boycott announced by La Lettre du Continent by the majority of African Freemason lodges at the annual general assembly of the French Grand National Lodge.

Invited to take part in this assembly last December 7 in Paris, the African lodges found a way to express their disavowal vis-à-vis the GLNF by declining this invitation.

African lodges have been under the influence of the French Grand Lodge since their origins. However, the anti-French virus also takes hold of the spiritual world. One wonders if this is the beginning of the schism between these two obediences. Several African Freemasons no longer hide their disenchantment with the French Masonic obedience, they no longer wish for its interference in the internal affairs of African lodges. The Gabonese Grand Lodge went further by openly asking in a message to the French “brothers” that Claude Dohou, the Africa representative to the grand master of the GLNF Jean-Pierre Rollet, be recalled from Gabon.

It is therefore clear that France is more and more contested in Africa. Nothing will be like it was before. Even, on the security front, Emmanuel Macron had to send an official invitation to the heads of state of the G5 Sahel countries so that they could attend the Pau summit on terrorism. At first, he made the wrong period by inviting them verbally in a speech. Verbal invitation to which these heads of state refused. However a few years ago, this speech would be enough to run African presidents. All these events give reason to those who maintain that the end of French hegemony in Africa is imminent.

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Even if France is fighting to save the furniture.

Alfredo Philomena

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