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Adidogomé customs roundabout: a billboard that has become a public danger

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In recent years, wild billboards have proliferated in the Togolese capital in complete anarchy. This proliferation becomes a threat to the safety of residents. Along the main arteries, around the roundabouts, in the peripheral districts of the city center, these displays are summarily established and invade the capital. Panels that collapse during bad weather, a real security problem. The large sign at the customs roundabout is a remarkable example.

Advertising is a key factor in structuring a consumption system and an important element that tracks economic growth. However, if laws supposed to regulate this field are not applied and without any rigorous supervision of the authorities, advertising activities can turn into drama.

At the Adidogomé customs roundabout, for example, there are many billboards. And local residents are faced with a serious problem. Many of these signs are in disrepair. Among the many, stands a more dangerous, real threat to the population. A large unused support, completely rusty and which comes off as scrap metal at each gust of wind. With this giant decaying support, it is common to see scrap metal falling in the middle of the day making victims. Two weeks ago, a salesman was injured when he received a piece of iron on his shoulder. And this is not an isolated case, Zemidjans (Taxi-motorcycles) raise their voices every day and draw attention to the consequences of these ruined signs.

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As a saleswoman says, “We are always careful when we pass by, you never know. But sometimes when the sun is strong, we have to stay under the shade of the signs. We are worried, but hey. ” Very often therefore, the itinerant merchants put in front of these displays to sell their articles. This is very dangerous because they threaten to fall at the slightest gust of wind.

There is often the impression that there is no regulation which defines the clauses of allocation of the places and which takes care to maintain these postings in good condition. The local populations admit to being overwhelmed; If economic growth is necessarily accompanied by a proliferation of advertising activities, it may be time to rigorously oversee this area before the situation worsens.

Measures must be taken to ensure that urbanization and the emergence of the communication market using billboards are not a public danger. Especially since this observation tarnishes the image of the “first reformer in Africa”, title conferred on Togo by the Doing Business report, published on Thursday, October 24, 2019.

Éric GAGLI (Stg)

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