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Canada / Democratic Republic of Congo / Diplomatic Appointment

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OTTAWA, Canada, 12 juillet 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today announced the following diplomatic appointment:

Ginette Martin becomes Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A biographical note on the appointee follows.

Biographical Note

Ginette Martin (BA [Translation and Interpretation], Université de Moncton, 1978) joined the Department of External Affairs in 1982 after having worked for three years as a translator for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. In Ottawa, she has worked on the Asia-Pacific, South and Southeast Asia, United Nations and Commonwealth Affairs files, and she was senior analyst for the Government of Canada’s 1998-1999 mandate on the United Nations Security Council. At the managerial level, Ms. Martin served as director of the Haiti Division from 2005 to 2007 and as director of Mexico and North America Relations from 2008 to 2010. Abroad, Ms. Martin has served in Tanzania, Cuba and Indonesia. She also served as Political, Economic Reporting and Public Affairs Program manager in Guatemala. Since 2010, Ms. Martin has served as minister-counsellor at the Canadian embassy in Mexico and acting consul general in Monterrey, Mexico. Ms. Martin and her husband, Alejandro Suarez, have two children, Michèle Christine and Manuel Alexandre. Ms. Martin replaces Jean-Carol Pelletier.

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