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Silence: Tikpi Atchadam no longer speaks…

If there is one political exile who has been so influential in Togo in recent years, it is Tikpi Atchadam, president of the Pan-African National Party. The politician in exile for almost three years has retained his influence through his periodic speeches. But since the presidential election of 22 February, he has not reacted, not a single news of him, at least for the majority of Togolese. From the final results that followed, the soap opera Agbéyomé until the swearing-in of Faure Gnassingbé, the native of Kparatao did not make a statement to give his opinion on these various political developments, nor a new direction of the struggle for alternation and democracy that remains whole.

As long as the mutism of my man persists, anxiety increasingly takes hold of his supporters and also of all Togolese who aspire to alternation. It is through his speeches that he calls on the Togolese people to be more courageous, determined and resilient. Which speeches are much appreciated in public opinion.

In short, Tikpi Atchadam's speeches are those of hope for Togolese people who love alternation and democracy, which is therefore essential for the outcome of the struggle.

It would be enough to announce his speech to know to what extent the speeches of the man of 19 August is still politically influential since his exile.

Even in the staffs of Togo's largest political parties, special attention is often paid to his speeches. His last address to the nation was on December 23, 2019, a speech he sent via audio on social media.

Although it was announced the day after the presidential results were announced, it was finally his secretary-general who made a speech on behalf of the party, leaving many people thirsty.

Since the presidential election on 22 February, the opposition political class has been in a state of confusion, not knowing what to do to revive the popular struggle. The people seem to discourage and disinterest in politics. It is now that the mobilizing speech of Tikpi Atchadam is expected to raise the morale of Togolese still disappointed by the results of the last presidential election.

And the PNP supporters, and the Togolese who aspire to alternation, are therefore eager to see this political leader somehow return to the Togolese political scene. It is high time that the leader of the PNP broke with his silence. Even if his party is beheaded and neutralized, its activists persecuted, its systematic weekly meetings prevented.




Tikpi Atchadam. Silence
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