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Obligation to renew the political class


The presidential election on 22 February took place in a rather peaceful atmosphere throughout Togo. After the euphoria of some candidates and the uncertainties, comes the moment of truth. And unsurprisingly, the candidate of the UNIR party, in power for fifteen (15) years already is re-elected with a river score of 72.36% according to the provisional results of the CENI.

If the victory of the ruling party were predictable, such a score is probably the subject of controversy. However, let us focus on the implications of this presidential election and the significant upheavals of the political class; a change that affects both opposition parties and the ruling party.


A renewal of the political class is imminent.

It must be recognized that following this election, the ANC party, which until then had a majority in the opposition and which had remarkable power of action, found itself weakened, with a score out of reach.

The Dynamic Kpodzro obviously had its effects, even if it was not the desired effect.

The big loser in history: Jean Pierre Fabre who ends up with 4.35% of the vote.

Exhausted by the ineffective protests and the usual demands at the end of each election, the electorate of the historical opponent turned to another alternative that seemed to be the right one. This failure will no doubt be the monumental setback that will signal the end of the political career of this man who will undoubtedly remain the serene opponent of this regime.

The base of the electorate has probably crumbled and the activists, scattered all over the place, at the mercy of all the current. It is therefore also a great failure for the ANC, which will find it difficult to remobilize its supporters for any election. The image of this party in five (5) years will probably be comparable to that of today’s UFC.

Worse, the party has failed to be innovative in assigning responsibilities to young people to the next generation. The leaders of this party, exhausted by the long struggle and visibly weakened by age are certainly not in a position to take over. The future is therefore completely uncertain.

As for the initiative of Bishop Kpodzro Fanoko, the adventure has been exhausting and it is without tomorrow. Disillusionment is at the rendezvous for those who believed in it.

With his score of 18.37%, Agbéyomé Kodjo of the MPDD can rejoice to have tried his shot. The implosion of ANC activists may have worked in his favour; he was able to nibble on voices from left to right. The sequel promises to be even more utopian because it is hard to imagine that these old men, exhausted by battle, can find the energy to continue this battle for the next five years.

Agbéyomé Kodjo and his horde of support are faced with the fait accompli. What is the outcome for Pierre Ekué Kpodar, Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson and for the whole troupe that has joined this initiative? Only the future will tell. For the time being, the protest launched by Agbéyomé Kodjo does not take obviously and they have little room for manoeuvre.

As far as the UNIR party is concerned, despite the setbacks and undemocratic practices denounced on both sides, they have probably found the ideal formula to survive and preserve the electorate from a likely desertion.

There are more and more dynamic and competent young people in this party, no matter what we say, in positions of responsibility and ready to take over at the right time. However, not everything is won for the future; they will still have to give up this image of heirs of the Gnassingbé Eyadéma era, and this will not be possible as long as the champion of this party comes from this family.

The current political class is crumbling;  Agbéyomé Kodjo, Yaovi Agboyibo, Jean Pierre Fabre…, everyone has fought their best, but it is time to withdraw for many of them. And this is a necessity to preserve their dignity and keep their name in Togo’s political history.

Eric G.

renewal of the political class
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