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Bishop Kpodzro wears two crosses: Gogoligo and Agbéyomé


Master Corporal Kpondjezo Kossi Biova died in total destitution. Two years ago. He died in an abandoned room, the decomposing body discovered later. His remains were fled in a makeshift bag to be dumped in a cemetery. He had had an accident that cost him the amputation of a leg, he had lost his mental faculties and was constantly delirious, seeing ghosts everywhere that haunted him. He had lost everything, latched, disguised, abandoned by all.  

The late Corporal Chief Kpondjezo was in the 1990s a henchman of Kodjo Agbéyomé, then almighty of the regime of Gnassingbé Eyadéma. He was the leader of one of the low-level groups sponsored by the former senior RPT official, now transformed into a candidate and "president-elect." This group was called "Death Squads." He had been the driver of the armoured vehicles and several of the army's most feared officers under Gnassingbé Eyadéma.  

Following the national sovereign conference chaired by Monsignor Kpodzro, a transitional body called the High Council of the Republic (UNHCR) was set up to ensure the parliamentary transition.

 Kodjo Agbéyomé who had not digested the big tears shed in the face of the world in front of the Prelate during the national conference resented him, to death.

For example, in a meeting on the night of 22-23 October 1992, UNHCR was visited by a military team led by Corporal Kpondjezo, a henchman of Kodjo Agbéyomé, who landed to sequester the Republic's senior advisers. Successful revenge of tokpli's man.

It was the day of the greatest desecration of the cassock. The Corporal in question forced Archbishop Emeritus to look up at the sky for hours. Worse, he took off the cap, named after that little red chaperone worn by the archbishop. We remember, Corporal Chief mocked him by asking him if he was a commando soldier to wear a red beret.

 He had pushed the extracuidance to feel Kpodzro's body in cassock, asking if he was wearing underwear, etc., etc. It was appalling and humiliating.

The unannounced descent of the military to UNHCR was the result of the dissolution of the party-state RPT and the freezing of mandatory contributions from civil servants for that party. Billions of FCFA at the time.

After the hostage-taking, these funds were released and made available to the party, and ironically, it was the party's treasurer general, Kodjo Agbéyomé (1992-1996) who managed to cash in the money and managed it as he saw fit, in complicity with a senior executive of the port who died three years ago, his accountant.

 The facts are stubborn. It is a part of Gabriel Kodjo's fortune, billions that he would have celebrated with pomp…..

Monsignor Kpodzro knows this story, he might remember it as yesterday… just like the behaviour of his tormentors led by The Master Corporal.

Master Corporal Kpondjezo was famous in the inhuman and degrading treatment of his victims.

It was he again, who had slapped Mr. Yawovi AGBOYIBO, asking him that he had learned that he used to disappear with Eyadema's chair. He would ask her to disappear again if that were the case.

Blood crimes, we will not stop talking about it in the list of the young soldier, who died as a master corporal, from Amoussimé, a village about fifteen kilometers from Tokpli, the village of kodjo Agbéyomé.

The archbishop remained silent in the face of this situation. In the name of mercy and forgiveness, he has converted this criminal and infamous nature into a wilderness of repentance that the perpetrators should accompany by publicly asking forgiveness for the crimes and promising not to do it again. He decided to carry the cross in place of the criminals.

Corporal Kpondjezo's life was an ordeal. Many have concluded that his attitude towards the archbishop is sacrilege and has brought down an avalanche of curses and misfortunes upon him. That is true. This is evidenced by the end of his life.

Oddly enough, another individual named Gogoligo followed in Sergeant Kpondjezo's footsteps. Not pretending to predict the consequences of the serious insults that Gogoligo uttered against Monsignor Kpodzro, we dare to believe in every way that the same causes producing the same effects, the risk is great that the comedian misled reaps what he has sown, just to understand that one does not mess with a 90-year-old, archbishop emeritus of surcroit and influential player in Togolese politics.

 Monsignor Kpodzro's silence in the face of Gogoligo's actions is more threatening than any reaction. It is a cross, the cross of forgiveness to Gogoligo, worn by the archbishop emeritus. The proof, he did not even react.

And if Kpodzro has come to be humiliated with this rage, in addition to other insults and denigrations to him inflicted, it is because of Kodjo Agbéyomé whose cross he decided to willingly or forcibly carry to claim to ensure an alternation to togo.

 He decided to abuse himself to forget a past rich in crimes and punishments, a recent controversial and ambiguous past of Kodjo Agbéyomé, a sulphurous past that the man of God decided to conceal with all the consequences.

This is the second cross carried by Monsignor Kpodzro. A cross of Gogoligo, a cross by Kodjo Agbéyomé. Two heavy burdens, too heavy for the old prelate forced to face threats and intimidation, until home confinement.

The story of Corporal Chief Kpondjezo, cousin and henchman of Kodjo AGBEYOME revolts and is indicative of the human wickedness of man when he has power.

Without repentance, without true conversion, without justice, this nature of the beast of the apocalypse returns in an inescapable way.

 That is why we have understood that the popular support around the Kpodzro initiative has as its backbone only the name Philippe Fanoko Kpodzro and as such, it is inconceivable that any individual will appropriate it to achieve ambitions at the end vengeance, bitterness and bulimia of power are fixed.

It is therefore time to create a popular dynamic between the name of the archbishop, from the controversial profile of candidate Kodjo AGBEYOME.

Adhering to this scheme would be better and the alternation machine could move faster.

Kodjo Agbéyomé is not inseparable from the barbaric regime we are fighting. Crimes without punishment, theft and looting, lies and slander are common to Agbéyomé and the barons of the RPT/UNIR regime.

Agbéyomé Kodjo is still a member of a appointed assembly, which has restricted freedoms, reforms in the name of which, citizens are terrorized for the one who helped to pass this law. Extraordinary…

Agbéyomé Kojo is the brains of the system that martyrs the Togolese people.

 Dissociating it from the RPT/UNIR system is a collective crime and a high treason.

As much for us as for many Togolese people who love freedom, justice and dignity, it is difficult to swallow the glass of wine with reed, according to the popular adage of southern Togo, as much for the peoples who yearn for the truth to refuse and fight this impostor ture.

And for Monsignor Kpodzro, until when will he continue to carry crosses of people who have not changed and who will not change, in every respect. Let's open our eyes.

"I accept to go after myself, in the name of my freedom of thought, because harassment is neither an offence nor a violation of ethical rules. It is also a principle. Principle of reason that radically excludes contradiction.  


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