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In order to help vulnerable populations in Togo during this period of health crisis, the newspaper L'Indépendant Express, through the Editor of Publication and in collaboration with ASVOPE (Association of Volunteers for the Promotion of Studies) launches the Itinerant Solidarity Channel (CIS). To inform us more about the measures implemented for the effectiveness of this initiative, the newspaper's editor, Carlos KETOHOU, gives us an interview.

  1. Carlos KETOHOU hello! You are the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal L'Independant Express and in collaboration with ASVOPE, you are launching the Itinerant Solidarity Channel (CIS) at a time of health crisis. First, what is the CSI project and where did the idea come from?

Thank you, the whole world is desperately facing a pandemic called Coronavirus that is sclerosis all social systems and sets the dial for the functioning of the world to zero. Economies are being suffocated, social movements are slowing down and humanity is anguished by sad reports of thousands of deaths every day. In the face of the pandemic, actions are multifaceted and are focused on the distribution of health kits that are offered to populations to observe barrier gestures. These kits consist mainly of masks, hydro-alcoholic gels and hand washer devices. But beyond all this, in the Journal l'Indépendant Express, we believe that the containments decreed by governments, the cessation of activities and movements, the torpor generated by the pandemic inexorably leads to difficulties in living and surviving. We thought with the association of volunteers for the promotion of studies -ASVOPE-, launched a mobile chain of solidarity that consists of offering vulnerable people in this time of crisis food and non-food: rice, spaghetti, cans, soaps, oil, gari, not to mention the tools of barriers, masks … These vulnerable people are those at risk of starvation at this very moment: Widows and orphans, the elderly without support, the disabled and street children.

2- When does the project start?  How will the distribution be made?

The first action takes place this Saturday, April 16, 2020 in some of the most threatened neighbourhoods. Among the Taliban, i.e. orphaned children begging in the vicinity of the BTCI in Lomé. Then we will go to Hanukopé to visit the poor people who have virtually no home who eat and sleep along the rails, a place commonly known as Akassimé.

With a background in sociologists, I prefer the field approach. Go to the targets and offer them food directly without intermediaries. It is a humanitarian action, it is not an advertising action that obliges to gather the beneficiaries in advance in a state prepared with beautiful clothes and good mines for the occasion. It is an improvised visit that will allow them to make donations in their natural state, directly I specify and without intermediaries. Experience has shown that intermediaries are not always honest at passing on donations to real beneficiaries. Societies are often marked by corruption and embezzlement.

According to our strategy, we decorated a vehicle recognizable by the spirit of the project. We put the food kits in the vehicle and disembark at the beneficiaries' premises. The delegation of the Independent Express and ASVOPE offer food and leave after a small interview of respect for the barrier measures.


3- How will you identify the vulnerable strata in question?

In Togo, as everywhere else, we know in which places misery can be read much more on faces. The locations, usually poor neighbourhoods and targets in several neighbourhoods, have been identified. A sociological survey allowed us to identify Gbadago, Hanoukopee, Kotokoukondji, Adakpamé, Kagomé, and indigenous neighbourhoods in Sagbado, Ségbé, Agoè etc.

4- Your actions are just about Lomé or do you think you're going beyond that?

Who kisses too much, hugs badly. We start with Lomé with the means on board. If good wills support us we will go beyond Lomé. But I assure you that the capital Lomé is sufficiently full of vulnerable people that it would dare to end up serving them to go beyond. But we're planning.

5- Some believe that it is at times when money is made and precisely at this time, many surf on this kind of project to make money behind the poor people.  What is the case with your CSI project?

Your question is relevant. Troubled water is said to be a fisherman's gain. I know quite perfectly the history of the functioning of NGOs, associations, orphanages etc. most work in their pockets and the real beneficiaries and targets are constantly living with poverty and thinned faces.

We do not. As a matter of principle, I always contribute a portion of my income that I spend to vulnerable people, especially widows and orphans. It is my Christian faith that recommends it to me and my late father who has always taught me. Who helps the poor lends to God says the saying. This project is initiated because of the real threat that imposes total misery on these layers. We execute him in funds and own means and with natural support from direct friends who understood his spirit. This is an opportunity to say a big thank you to those who will come and support not the future. It is a sin to use the misery of the people to fill their pockets. I am a Catholic Christian, I make the effort to respect divine principles. The purpose of the Itinerant Solidarity Channel is to carry out direct actions in a mobile manner and to motivate others to do the same. It saves humanity.

6- What should be each other's attitudes in this health crisis situation linked to COVID 19?

It's often said that there is only one death. You don't die to come back to life. Even the resurrected Jesus no longer lives among men in bodies. He went up to heaven. So if the whole world faces a real death threat and everyone is asked to wash their hands, wear masks or stay at home so as not to die, I think it is in good tone, at the limit, obligatory to respect these simple measures. I therefore call for everyone's vigilance and the spirit of wisdom and discipline to respect these very simple measures.

7- Words of the end…

The Togolese government has launched several retaliatory actions, including social actions against the people. This is appreciable and encouraging. We urge the authorities to continue in this direction and to strengthen these actions, especially on the humanitarian front.

We urge the good will to join us in succeeding in this itinerant chain of solidarity by making donations: food and not living or making a financial contribution. This will save lives in this pandemic. Coronavirus exists and kills. Let's take care of ourselves….


Thank you

Thank you.

CisCOVID-19The Independent Express
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