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DJ Arafat, Goal achieved: Buzz to the bottom of the grave

Carlos KETOHOU Le 31/08/2019/ Chronique Dédicacée à Djabakaté Déyadé Mon Professeur de Philosophie de Terminale.
DJ Arafat, Goal achieved: Buzz to the bottom of the grave

Smashed grave, violated coffin, fiddled with mortal remains, the great sacrilege if ethics and morals still have their place, this is the legacy left by DJ Arafat to his thousands of « Chinese », his fans who wanted to s ‘ensure that the body exposed and buried in the ground was that of the « Yôrobô. »

So you could see in this scene the artist’s elongated body reduced to banality, as his life, the man, said is nothing more than the series of his acts. Once again, the canvas was ablaze, as if the artist was alive, who multiplied scandals of indecency, immorality, disrespect, transgression of customs … to just fill his specifications called buzz. And if it was a mission, it was well accomplished for Didier.

The whole world and thousands of millions of Internet users have been amazed by these new scenes which follow one another around the funeral of DJ Arafat in Côte d’Ivoire. A spectacular funeral vigil, an audience of icons of African music, a good cocktail of Ivorian politicians, a host of stars, thousands and thousands of fans, and millions of Internet users. As a result, as if that were not enough, the desecration of the grave and the exhumation of the artist’s body.

The analysis of the authorized, « mega-phenomenon » Arafat recalls in history, sociological, geopolitical, philosophical, political and technological paradigms.

Sociological, the DJ Arafat phenomenon can be explained by the post mortem explosion in the life of a man who, by himself, would like, in a fabulous ambition, to remake the world in his own way, by defying all the theories normative. Like the superman Zarathustra of Friedrich Nietzsche, in his will to power, or even the existentialist of Jean-Paul Sartre, DJ Arafat aspired to be the most powerful in the history of humanity, through behaviors in a prohibited direction . Authorized. And as the world has always been on the left, fed by scandals and the extraordinary, it has succeeded in defying the rules to create this world and to instill it in thousands of individuals. Born in the scandal, lived in the scandal, died and buried in the scandal, it is normal that the contagion reaches a massive level of men, who, even if they did not know DJ Arafat during his lifetime fell in love, better , fanatics of the story of a man who forged his fame in oddities. Wherever he is, DJ Arafat would never have regretted this death because of the logical sequence which animated it and which he wished for.

The only regret, no doubt for him, is that he did not have the snag of the catch and the nunc: Arriving to easily cross the back and forth between life and death to savor the effects of his chef-d ‘work, was it unkind and rude and scandalous.

Geopolitics also took part in this legendary celebration of the death and burial of DJ Arafat. The Ivory Coast nation has always fought to rise to the fore; in one area or another. It is true that coffee and cocoa put this country on the international orbit of trade. But a controversy over the simple export cultures can not pack so much and attract international glances on the country of Houphouët. This is why, the Ivorian authorities have made this event blessed bread and hoist Côte d’Ivoire to the top of the “icônat”, of “celebritariat.” The mobilization of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire around this death should, if it is not really the case, steal the show from the Jamaican Nation of Bob Marley, South Africa from Lucky Dube, France from Johnny Hallyday. The Ivory Coast now has its legendary Michael Jackson breaking the record for the most celebrated death in recent human history. This applies geopolitically to the Ivory Coast, the Nation which managed to impose itself in the assertion of its popular rhythm.

Philosophically speaking, DJ Arafat seems to be the symbol of the transgression of the laws, the nonconformist model, the prototype of Antigone. In the tragedy of Sophocles, Antigone decided to defy the ban issued by King Creon (their uncle) to perform funeral rites for their brother Polynice, killed by his other brother Étéocle in a battle where each brother wanted the death of the other to become king of Thebes and where each of them lost their lives. Even if Antigone deserved death, he defied the ban. DJ Arafat has revolutionized customs. Transgressed the laws: perpetual arguments with his father, eternal fights provoked or not with his entourage, freedom of extravagance, challenges and break of taboos, for him all that was taboo for the society was braved. This is the reason for the membership of its popular « China » which bathes in alcohol, drugs and sex to animate the debauchery without faith, or law, escapades melted in states

intoxication and unconsciousness, recklessness, the neuroses to rape the graves and to dig up the dead who will be right for the Daïshikan, the Guru of the Republic of madmen who was himself the subject of laboratory experience that he himself built and equipped before he died. (Read Sophocles Antigone).

Politically, the recovery, if it has not been exaggerated, is blatant. Here is an artist who has experienced setbacks consecutive to his heretical attitudes, who has clashed everyone, proud to govern a republic of debauched, who, after his shattering death, was erected as a national hero to fill, if we are not mistaken , the great divide of political unpopularity and ill-intentioned ambitions to which we aspire. Assuming to be the father of DJ Arafat amounts to understanding in the Ivorian Minister of Defense that Didier’s escapades are not what matters and should be taken into account. It is the high level of popularity that can provide the necessary aura that can inflate the level of popularity of power. Too bad for refusing to wear a helmet, too bad for aggressive skin tattoos, too bad for everything. The Ivorian politician is visibly attracted only by the smell of carrion, DJ Arafat. Logically, the presidential electoral competition in Côte d’Ivoire is announced in the coming months. You have to cast a wide net. It’s politically correct.

The new technology has naturally influenced the exponential scope of the gale caused by the death of DJ Arafat. The artist Didier is the 3rd most popular personality in Abidjan after Didier Drogba and Alpha Blondy with more than 3 million Internet users who follow him in his populist excesses.

His fame, his celebrity, his influence, the relay of his moods, impressions, state of mind, his follies, his joys, his sorrows, his revenges, his clashes, his attacks, his exploits, his qualities are abundantly fed to the coefficient X by facebook, Whatsapp, and other social networks. And precisely, the apology of buzz, embodied by these social networks has taken him to the pinnacle to make it a legend that reigns in the pantheon of the blunderers of contemporary history. Useful blunderers, it is according to. Are we going to do like DJ Arafat, to flourish, to flourish? The opinions will undoubtedly be divided and each one will be able to draw the chestnuts from the fire of this legendary death, useful on two poles: to avoid the contagion of the human stupidity made up in celebrity, whereas the talent which abounds in the DJ could have been better valued for to better serve his kingdom of « China » and better his fans.

DJ Arafat, alive could have served in the long time that died today.

Even if his death, his carrion, attracted opportunists of all stripes, especially politicians. But the leader of these opportunists is himself, DJ Arafat. He will have achieved his goal, perhaps masochistic: Buzz to the bottom of his grave.

Carlos KETOHOU On 08/31/2019 /

Dedicated to Djabakadé Déyadé, My Professor of Philosophy in the Terminal Class

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