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COVID-19: Carlos KETOHOU launches the Itinerant Solidarity Channel

COVID-19: Carlos KETOHOU launches the Itinerant Solidarity Channel


Since then, almost six months ago, the world has been plunged into an unprecedented deep health crisis.  And the first consequences are food.  Because the most affected are the poor, The Independent Express and the Association of Volunteers for the Promotion of Studies, ASVOPE have set up the project called The Itinerant Solidarity Channel (CIS COVID – 19). This project is to help those in need, including widows, orphans, the elderly and people living in disadvantaged areas.

Indeed, in the management of the health crisis, the government has put in place certain measures including curfew. This has decimated some of the activities of the informal sector, leaving a good segment of the population without income. The Chaine Itinerant Solidarity project therefore helps these neglected people.

The project consists precisely of distributing through a car decorated in the colors of the project containing food kits of food and non-food to the underprivileged populations. The strategy is to go directly to the field to give donations to the populations concerned. This strategy is also the special feature of this project. Direct contact with beneficiaries because it has been pointed out that the real targets often do not benefit from the donations intended for them, because some managers of the structures or representatives divert these donations for other purposes and thus abandon the affected.


To address this problem, the editors of the Journal L'Independent Express will hand over the duties to these people (widows and orphans, the elderly, the poorest and the disabled).

For a first phase, people in poor neighbourhoods with high human concentration such as Gbadago, Abové, Hanukkah, Adakpamé, Kagomé, Kotokoukondji and targeted concessions in several neighbourhoods will be privileged

It should be noted that the project is funded in its own fund by the newspaper L'Indépendant Express and the Association of Volunteers for the Promotion of States. Several goodwills that see the relevance of the initiative can contribute in kind or in cash.

"Who gives to the poor, willing to God," said the saying, "it is our duty to launch this chain of solidarity for the poor, I very much hope that others will follow us,… Carlos KETOHOU, Editor of the newspaper L'Indépendant Express, told us.

Also, it should be remembered that the Management of The Independent Express often organizes these donations informally to vulnerable populations during the festive, endemic or bereavement period. In the face of Coronavirus, we need a large-scale action. So that's the essence of the project.

In addition, ASVOPE is an association for socio-educational development and human promotion founded in 1996 by volunteers concerned with the promotion of education.




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