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Indépendant Express
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Niamtougou establishes itself as a new bastion of popular protest

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For the second time yesterday, Monday, May 11, 2020, an uprising took place in Doufelgou prefecture, injuring people. The public insists on the truth about the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Madjoulba, who died in obscure circumstances in his office.

On Monday, May 04, 2020, Lieutenant-Colonel Bitala Madjoulba, commander of the 1st Rapid Response Battalion (BIR), was found dead in his office. The announcement quickly made the media and provoked many reactions. What was suspected turned out; He was murdered. According to the statement of the prosecutor, Essolizam Poyodi, a bullet was extracted from his body. That's why an investigation has been opened.

But for the population of Doufelgou prefecture, Bitala Madjoulba's home town, this simple statement is not enough. There is no question of leaving a murder case in the army without further action. Already on Thursday 07 May 2020, a march had started from his home village in Siou to Doufelgou and nearby towns. A human tide has invaded the streets. It was spontaneous to the point where the local authorities could not prevent the gathering.

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For decades, Togo's stability has been threatened by numerous demonstrations and revolts calling for political transparency and improved living conditions. The first demonstrations that the country experienced were mainly concentrated in the great Lomé. But over time, social and political crises have spawned uprisings across the country. Sometimes in Bafilo, Mango or Sokodé,

The major demonstration that has recently shaken the country is that of 2017, led by the leader of the PNP, Tikpi Atchadam. While there has been no great revolt since then, tensions remain high.

Doufelgou and the surrounding communities have just joined the wind of protest. These warning signs are proof of the determination of the population to get the truth about the death of the Colonel, but also of the many soldiers who have been murdered over the years. More than ever, the people want to end impunity in Togo.

Today, Niamtougou is the new symbol of popular struggle. That it will take over and that we will have to expect from this fury of the people of Doufelgou prefecture.

Alliance Togo Informatique

Niamtougou is the capital of Doufelgou prefecture located about ten kilometers from Kara, a stronghold of the ruling power. This community is also full of ruling party cadres. A nascent such protest is not in favour of the system in place already shaken by popular protests in other prefectures.

Eric G.



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