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ANSAT: Beware of waste of stocks

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The COVID-19 pandemic imposes resource autarky on all countries. With no control over the measurement of time, the measurement of space and the damage of the pandemic, each country does its best to safeguard resources to save its population in the event of a worsening food crisis that could result from the pandemic.


This is the moment chosen by Colonel Ouro-Koura AGADAZI, the Director General of the National Agency for Food Security ANSAT to proudly proclaim Togo's food surplus and propose to fly to the aid of neighbouring countries: "Beyond the satisfaction of the consumption needs of Togolese, it is not excluded that Togo can once again help the countries of the sub-region. The former agriculture minister told the Arcanews website.

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It is therefore a real scandal to distribute the precious products stored, 70 thousand tons for this year to countries that are said to be seriously affected.

Togo is already starting to experience the high cost of food products, especially cereals that form the basis of the diet.  Maize, millet, sorghum, beans and rice are experiencing soaring prices on the market.

The right policy for leaders concerned about the well-being of the people would be to jealously conserve these stocks and put them in one way or another at the disposal of a hungry population.

Elsewhere, in Gabon, Ghana and Niger, the government has taken the initiative to distribute the products free of charge to people to cushion the containment following the coronavirus pandemic.

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If it is not possible to distribute these products free of charge, ANSAT would have been better off selling them at a relatively affordable price to the people.

This is the crucial moment that chooses the Colonel Minister to announce the export as aid to other countries said to be seriously affected as if Togo were not affected by the threat of famine.

This exit of Ouro Koura AGADAZI illustrates quite clearly the evil that plagues the ministry of guardianship, of Agriculture which shines rather by bling-bling instead of concrete actions.

A citizen challenged us on the matter, surprised by simply confiding that this announcement of Colonel Agadazi has no other explanation: Fall on the head.


Carlos KETOHOU  

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