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Coronavirus/Togo: too lax…

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At a time when many countries are taking drastic measures to effectively combat COVID-19, the new pandemic that is vibrating even the great powers, Togo is content with its usual amateurism.

The threat is getting closer, however; on the night of 17-18 March, a first death was recorded in a neighbouring country, Burkina Faso. In addition, the number of people infected in this country has increased to 27. This is yet another reason to be more vigilant and to take action to meet this global crisis.

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Lax syndrome or lack of realism on the part of the Togolese authorities… we can't say. However, the measures taken so far are not sufficiently substantial or effective enough given the extent of the coronavirus damage. If even the major powers are struggling to contain this pandemic, how much more important is it for the poor African countries, to the very fragile health system to take coercive measures to limit the spread of the virus on the continent?

In Togo, the government's laxity is so surprising. The measures taken so far are clearly insufficient. Suspending air links from high-risk countries (Italy, France, Spain and Germany) may seem like an effective measure, but further analysis allows us to understand that this does not have much impact on the risks of Spread.

There is also a good chance that passengers from other countries will be infected with the virus. Thus, to concentrate most of the resources on those who have stayed in a high-risk country (mandatory 14-day isolation) is to take the risk of allowing infected passengers from other countries to enter the territory.
It should therefore be noted that the ban on all gatherings of more than 100 people is a measure without effect, as there is no need for more than 100 people to promote the spread of the virus.

Neighbouring Senegal is setting an example by banning all rallies and demonstrations in the territory for one month and announcing the closure of schools and universities for a period of three weeks. Togo should follow suit… gatherings should be banned, schools and universities, closed for a time. Measures should be taken to prevent the spread of the virus in markets, food and other markets.

Alliance Togo Informatique

Clearly, the measures taken by the Togolese government are not rigorous and there is a perception that the state is minimizing the risk of the virus spreading on Togolese territory.

The flaws in preventive measures are enormous; a spread of the epidemic in Togo would be fatal, given the state of the health system and the lack of resources; measures must therefore be strengthened.
It urges maximum warning measures to prevent the spread of the disease and before it is too late.



Eric G.

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