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TOGO / Presidential 2020: MO5 says stop at the frantic race …

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The next presidential election in 2020 in Togo cannot be finished for the time being. As the process was started months ago and so things are becoming clearer. There are already a multitude of candidates in view of which, candidates from political parties, independent candidates, and those from civil society. For the moment, twelve candidates have already declared themselves. The twelfth candidacy is announced this weekend and a few months before the presidential election suggests more than one. In the process, the Patriotic Movement of October 5, MO5-TOGO in an appeal to all Togolese patriots, reminds actors of all stripes of the fundamentals of the struggle of the Togolese people.

In a patriotic appeal dated December 1, 2019, the Patriotic Movement of October 5 denounces on the one hand, the electoral process in progress and on the other hand the frantic race of certain democrats for the presidential election of 2020 in Togo. For MO5 the Togolese problem until then cannot be solved by the ballot boxes under current conditions. For this, MO5 recalls the essence of the Togolese people’s struggle and calls on all democratic forces to return to the fundamentals of the Togolese deep aspirations.

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Analyzing the mobilization that can be seen around the candidacy for the presidential election, MO5 denounces these candidates who are not really animated by the desire to unite with a fourth term of Faure Gnassingbé. For MO5 their objective is to carve out a political place for themselves in the country and ensure their economic health rather than to see the Togolese people freed from the fifty-year dictatorship in 2020. This is why, without making noise they accompany the power in its election masquerade in preparation where the conditions of transparency and credibility are almost non-existent.

To do this, the MO5 insists on the need to return to the streets to put pressure on the power and obtain the essential of the original demands of the people since the popular uprising of August 19, 2017. Finally, MO5 formulates its proposals made in four points for patriots and sincere democrats in order to resume the fight vehemently.

Indeed, the government has yielded willingly or unwillingly to some of the opposition’s demands, following the struggle waged since August 19, 2017, which had then involved both political parties and certain civil society organizations. The presidential election with two turns being obtained; under the normal conditions of transparency, fairness and impartiality of the bodies responsible for organizing the poll, political parties and candidates from civil society should in reality be measured on the national scale, hoping to obtain a second round where alliances will be established. However, this is not yet the case in Togo. This is why some analysts find the multiplicity of already announced candidates absurd. Do we still have to remember? Almost every week we register a new candidacy and so things are going well, we risk reaching the record of candidates in 2020.

Clearly, the 2020 presidential election is of some importance. It represents a meeting of hope for the people who aspire to the alternation at the top of the State and to democracy. However, the candidates who have been counted until now whose weight remains difficult to determine at the national level, do not give seriousness. If one could easily understand the multiplicity of candidacies within the political class of the opposition, the multiplicity of candidacies from civil society is the great disappointment aimed at targeting populations. In the opposition division where a single candidate is impossible, one expected that the civil society releases a single candidate within it but alas. She too is in the image of the political class of the current opposition. In any case, the people expect their victory over the 50th dictatorship at the latest in 2020 and warn those who have fun with their aspirations.

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